Follows astronaut John Herrington's thirteen-day mission to the International Space Station. Discusses Herrington's childhood, Chickasaw heritage, and his duties in space. Includes photos and a list of Chickasaw words.
"Images accompany information about the International Space Station. The combination of high-interest subject matter and light text is intended for students in grades 2 through 7"--Provided by publisher.
"The CatStronauts--elite cat astronauts--are aboard the International Space Station to repair the faulty Hubba Bubba Telescope, but have to contend with communications interference and a near disaster that leaves them down a member"--Provided by publisher.
"The largest space machine to ever orbit Earth is the International Space Station. It is essentially a giant science lab for astronauts. Interested young readers are invited to enter the International Space Station in this title and defy gravity like the astronauts inside"--Provided by the publisher.
Offers students an introduction to the International Space Station, describing how it was built, the various components that make up the spacecraft, and its many uses.
"... [A] picture book memoir about NASA astronaut Scott Kelly [that] takes readers on a journey through his childhood as an average student to his record-breaking year among the stars"-- Provided by publisher.
"What's it like to live in space? How long can you stay in space? Discover how astronauts eat, sleep, work, and even exercise in a weightless world"--Provided by publisher.