elementary school libraries

Topical Term
elementary school libraries

Learning about books & libraries

a goldmine of games
Presents forty seven educational games for children in grades K-6 about using the library, fiction, and themes related to coursework.

Lesson plans for the busy librarian

a standards-based approach for the elementary library media center
Presents more than one hundred library lesson plans, arranged by grade level from kindergarten through fifth grade, which are based on the AASL/AECT information literacy standards and cover various learning styles.

Magical library lessons

Contains fifteen lessons designed to improve the library, research, and literature skills of students in fourth through eighth grade, created for use in a library setting, each including visuals, activity sheets, an evaluation, and extension.

The new school elementary librarian's almanac

Practical library management ideas, problem-solving techniques, and classroom-tested activities for a year-round media program.

Multicultural activities

Contains ready-to-use lessons requiring little to no preparation that can be used to teach a variety of universal themes and values in the library.

Reaching every reader

promotional strategies for the elementary school library media specialist
Provides elementary school library media specialists with strategies designed to help them organize and maintain their libraries.

Research skills

Contains ready-made, flexible lessons designed to help librarians teach students in kindergarten through grade five improve their research skills.

Building reference skills in the elementary school

Discusses how to use specific reference titles and how to teach the research process.

Adventuring with books

a booklist for pre-K-grade 6
An annotated list of: 1,800 fiction and non-fiction recommended titles.


choose, use, enjoy, share : a model for educational enrichment through the school library media center
Describes a media center program that combines the teaching and use of library skills with language skills in a way that invites higher order thinking and student involvement in the creation of a product.


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