Public persecutions

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religious intolerance against Muslims today
This examination of islamophobia looks at the history of Islamic extremism, and discusses the ways in which Islamist atrocities have caused Westerners to question how they can protect themselves without persecuting innocent Muslims.

Red scare

communists in America
Looks at the way that fear of Communism sparked a hysteria in the United States in the mid-twentieth century that led to two red scares and the rise and fall of McCarthyism.

Nazi propaganda

Jews in Hitler's Germany
Looks at the horrific mistreatment of Jews in Nazi Germany, and examines the ways the Third Reich used propaganda to demonize and dehumanize its victims, turning the German nation against the Jewish people.


Christians in the Roman empire
Looks at the Roman persecution of Christians in the early centuries of the Common Era, and places nearly three centuries of torture and martyrdom in the wider history of man's inhumanity to man.


Japanese Americans in World War II
Examines the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, discussing the history of Asian immigration to the United States, and the ways in which fear, cultural differences, and economic envy developed into blatant discrimination.


the Spanish Inquisition
Examines the historical context of the fifteenth-century Spanish Inquisition, in which the Catholic Church persecuted Jews and others who were suspected of not being sufficiently Christian.
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