Coddington, Andrew

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Aliens, UFOs, and unexplained encounters

Aliens, UFOs, paranormal abductions are all events that have captivated and entertained people for millennia. In recent times, people have turned to science to explain the unexplainable, but does that answer everything? This book examines the history of well-known, unexplained encounters while exploring the science behind fascinating alien events.
Cover image of Aliens, UFOs, and unexplained encounters

The hope diamond, cursed objects, and unexplained artifacts

Emily and her winged horse, Pegasus, face an ancient challenge of Olympic proportions in this fourth book of an exciting series. A deadly plague has struck Olympus. While the Olympians fade one by one, Emily's heart breaks as she watches, particularl.
Cover image of The hope diamond, cursed objects, and unexplained artifacts

Thomas Jefferson

architect of the Declaration of Independence
This founding father was the principal author of the document that would free the United States from Great Britain. He became one of the most influential presidents of the new nation. In this text, Jefferson's life and his greatest works are examined alongside the important historical events that influenced him. Students will analyze Jefferson's writings in order to understand their contemporary influence as well as their lasting influence today.

Henry David Thoreau

writer of the transcendentalist movement
A leading author, philosopher, and activist, Thoreau's call to simple living has enticed readers for over one hundred years. Selections from Thoreau's most influential texts are analyzed in this book in order for students to better grasp Thoreau's life and the historical events that shaped his ideas.

Life as a child laborer during the Industrial Revolution

Explores what life was like for a child laborer during the Industrial revolution, why children were used for factory labor, and how policies on child labor changed over time.


"For as long as humans have been on Earth, they have wondered if other intelligent life exists in the universe. If so, what would these extraterrestrial beings look like? Today, there are true alien believers as well as skeptics. Some people have claimed aliens exist and have been responsible for creating great works of wonder, such as the pyramids and crop circles. Others are less sure. Regardless, human history has seen many stories of mysterious flashing lights, flying objects, and even alien abductions. This book discusses the history of alien lore and seeks to answer the question: Are humans alone, or are aliens among us?"--Provided by the publisher.


"Explores ghost culture and the stories that continue to haunt humanity."--Publisher.


Christians in the Roman empire
Looks at the Roman persecution of Christians in the early centuries of the Common Era, and places nearly three centuries of torture and martyrdom in the wider history of man's inhumanity to man.


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