labor leaders

Topical Term
labor leaders

Cesar Chavez

Simple text and photographs depict the life of the Mexican American labor leader who achieved justice for migrant farm workers by creating a union to protect their rights.

Eugene V. Debs

outspoken labor leader and socialist
A biography of the trade union leader, political activist, and pacifist who ran five times as the socialist candidate for president.

Cesar Chavez

A biography of Cesar Chavez, discussing his early life on his family's Arizona ranch, how the Great Depression forced them to become migrant workers in California, and the poor housing, pay, and working conditions that inspired Cesar to pursue farm workers' rights through unionization.

Cesar Chavez

labor leader
Discusses the life and work of Cesar Chavez, an American labor leader who organized the farm worker's union, United Farm Workers.

C?sar Ch?vez

lucha por los trabajadores del campo
Contains a brief biography of Cesar Chavez, advocate for the right of farmworkers in the United States, and includes information on his early life, his family, and his achievements. Presented in Spanish in graphic novel form.

Cesar Chavez

fighting for farmworkers
Contains a brief biography of Cesar Chavez, advocate for the right of farmworkers in the United States,and includes information on his early life, his family, and his achievements. Presented in graphic novel form.

C?sar Ch?vez

fighting for fairness
Presents an illustrated profile of the life and work of migrant farm worker and founder of the National Farm Workers Association, Cesar Chavez.

Dolores Huerta

Biography of Dolores Huerta, who, along with Cesar Chavez, established a union to protect the rights of farm workers.

Cesar Chavez

farm worker activist
Text and accompanying photographs present a biography of the Mexican American labor activist who helped organize the migrant farm workers and establish a union to fight for their rights.

Mother Jones

labor crusader
Describes the life of the American labor organizer Mary Harris Jones.


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