is (organization)

is (organization)

I was told to come alone

my journey behind the lines of jihad
"The journalist who broke the "Jihadi John" story draws on her personal experience to bridge the gap between the Muslim world and the West and explain the rise of Islamic radicalism. Souad Mekhennet has lived her entire life between worlds. The daughter of a Turkish mother and a Moroccan father, she was born and educated in Germany and has worked for several American newspapers. Since the 9/11 attacks she has reported stories among the most dangerous members of her religion; when she is told to come alone to an interview, she never knows what awaits at her destination"--Provided by publisher.

Counter jihad

America's military experience in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria
A history of America's military operations against radical Islamists in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.


an introduction and guide to the Islamic State
Provides a comprehensive overview about the development and current dynamics of the Islamic State. Discusses leaders, history and operations, ideologies behind the group, enemies of ISIS, the group's recruiting, ISIS and the media, and life in the Islamic State. Includes end notes, a chronology, and index.

Defeating ISIS

who they are, how they fight, what they believe
Offers an examination of the ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, terrorist organization, looking at the group's origin, ideology, propaganda, organization, and tactics, and offers steps for defeating it.

Waging war

the clash between presidents and Congress, 1776 to ISIS
"A timely account of a raging debate: The history of the ongoing struggle between the presidents and Congress over who has the power to declare and wage war. The Constitution states that it is Congress that declares war, but it is the presidents who have more often taken us to war and decided how to wage it. In Waging War, United States Circuit Judge for the United States Court of Appeals David Barron opens with an account of George Washington and the Continental Congress over Washington's plan to burn New York City before the British invasion. Congress ordered him not to, and he obeyed. Barron takes us through all the wars that followed: 1812, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the Spanish-American war, World Wars One and Two, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and now, most spectacularly, the War on Terror. Congress has criticized George W. Bush for being too aggressive and Barack Obama for not being aggressive enough, but it avoids a vote on the matter. By recounting how our presidents have declared and waged wars, Barron shows that these executives have had to get their way without openly defying Congress. Waging War shows us our country's revered and colorful presidents at their most trying times--Washington, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Johnson, both Bushes, and Obama. Their wars have made heroes of some and victims of others, but most have proved adept at getting their way over reluctant or hostile Congresses. The next president will face this challenge immediately--and the Constitution and its fragile system of checks and balances will once again be at the forefront of the national debate"--.


the state of terror
Though terrorist groups are a fixture of contemporary politics and warfare, the world has never witnessed the degree of sheer brutality demonstrated by the group known as ISIS-- the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Its sadistic disregard for human life, sophisticated use of social media, acquisition of territory, and ability to attract foreign fighters is unprecedented. Stern and Berger analyze the tools ISIS uses both to frighten innocent citizens and lure new soldiers, and offer practical ideas on potential government responses.

The Terror years

from al-Qaeda to the Islamic State
Recalls where and how Al Qaeda and its core beliefs have morphed and spread and looks at the organization as it forms a master plan for the future while also experiencing rebellion from within. The American response to terrorism in the Middle East is covered through profiles of FBI agents and the head of the CIA and discussions of the capture and beheadings of American journalists by ISIS.

My journey into the heart of terror

ten days in the Islamic State
ISIS, IS, the ISLAMIC State--- no matter what it's called, it's an organization that has taken on chilling associations due to the horrific deeds committed in its name. ISIS beheads journalists and yet one, Jurgen Todenhofer, was invited to visit its fighters in Mosul, after months of negotiations. Accompanied by his son, Frederic, who photographed the journey, he asked them to explain their beliefs, motivations, and goals. This book is the result of those conversations.


a history
Looks at history of the rise and growth of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Hunting season

James Foley, ISIS, and the kidnapping campaign that started a war
Attemps to answer how ISIS decided on the plan to target Westerners, kidnapping them and then publicly executing them and posting the video on YouTube.


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