cave drawings and paintings

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cave drawings and paintings

Before you came this way

Cave drawings prompt questions about the lives and purposes of their prehistoric creators.

The narrow passage

Two boys on an expedition in southern France decide to protect the prehistoric cave they discover from desecration and public scrutiny.

Discovery in the cave

Presents a chapter-book for young readers about the real-life discovery of a cave in Lascaux, France by four boys and a dog. Describes the prehistoric drawings of long-extinct animals found on the walls inside the cave and depicts how they were painted. Includes color illustrations.

Chauvet Cave

the art of the earliest time
Photographs and text profile the Chauvet Cave in France's Ardeche Valley, which contains the oldest known drawings by humans, dating more than 35,000 years old.

Boy of the painted cave

Forbidden to make images, fourteen-year-old Tao, a boy with a bad foot, yearns to be a cave painter, recording the figures of the rhinos, bison, and other animals of his prehistoric times.

First painter

Following the death of her mother, Mishoo the new shaman, must find a way to help her prehistoric tribe during a drought.


movement, space, and time
Examines Lascaux--the French cave containing Old Stone Agewall paintings of bison, deer, and horses--from geologic, archaeological, and artistic perspectives, and maps its contents.

Boy of the painted cave

Forbidden to make images, fourteen-year-old Tao, a boy with a bad foot, yearns to be a cave painter, recording the figures of the rhinos, bison, and other animals of his prehistoric times.


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