secret service

secret service


Secret service agent Ethan Burke arrives in Wayward Pines, Idaho, with a clear mission: locate and recover two federal agents who went missing in the bucolic town one month earlier. But within minutes of his arrival, Ethan is involved in a violent accident. He comes to in a hospital, with no ID, no cell phone, and no briefcase. The medical staff seems friendly enough, but something feels off. As the days pass, Ethan's investigation into the disappearance of his colleagues turns up more questions than answers. Why can't he get any phone calls through to his wife and son in the outside world? Why doesn't anyone believe he is who he says he is? And what is the purpose of the electrified fences surrounding the town? Are they meant to keep the residents in? Or something else out? Each step closer to the truth takes Ethan further from the world he thought he knew, from the man he thought he was, until he must face a horrifying fact -- he may never get out of Wayward Pines alive.

Department of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security is formed in direct response to the September 11, 2001 attacks on America.

Secrets of the Secret Service

the history and uncertain future of the US Secret Service
Shares insights into the reactionary approaches of the agency's increasingly politicized management and how new strategies are placing presidential security at risk.

Inside the Secret Service

Describes the history, training, duties, and role of the United States Secret Service.
Cover image of Inside the Secret Service

El Servicio Secreto de EE.UU.

protege a nuestros li?deres
Describes the Secret Service, including what it is and what Secret Service agents do. Presented in both English and Spanish.
Cover image of El Servicio Secreto de EE.UU.

Oath of honor

Navy Captain Wes Masters, newly posted to head the White House Midical Unit, must prove to Secret Service Agent Evyn Daniels, a member of the elite Preseidential Protection Detail, that she is up to the task, but Evyn challenges her on more than just the professional front, and the stakes get highter when they, and the rest of the team are investiged for a possible securtiy breach by Homeland Security.
Cover image of Oath of honor

A career as a Secret Service agent

Introduces readers to the federal law enforcers who protect and serve the federal government.

Freedom's detective

the Secret Service, the Ku Klux Klan and the man who masterminded America's first war on terror
In the years following the Civil War, a new battle began. Newly freed African American men had gained their voting rights and would soon have a chance to transform Southern politics. Former Confederates and other white supremacists mobilized to stop them. Thus, the KKK was born. After the first political assassination carried out by the Klan, Washington power brokers looked for help in breaking the growing movement. They found it in Hiram C. Whitley. He became head of the Secret Service, which had previously focused on catching counterfeiters and was at the time the government?s only intelligence organization. Whitley and his agents led the covert war against the nascent KKK and were the first to use undercover work in mass crime?what we now call terrorism?investigations. Like many spymasters before and since, Whitley also had a dark side. His penchant for skulduggery and dirty tricks ultimately led to his involvement in a conspiracy that would bring an end to his career and transform the Secret Service.

I am a secret service agent

my life spent protecting the President
Dan Emmett recounts his years as a Secret Service agent in charge of protecting the president of the United States.

A career as a Secret Service agent

Explains the career of a Secret Service agent and how to become one.
Cover image of A career as a Secret Service agent


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