Young historian books

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Traces the history of and way of life in Byzantium from its founding by Constantine to its conquest by the Turks and discusses the influence of Byzantine culture on Europe.

Ancient Scandinavia

The Reformation

Traces the events leading to the Reformation, the movements of Luther and Calvin, the reforms within the Catholic Church itself, the unique course of the reform movement in England, and the influence of the Reformation on New World settlements.

Republican Rome

Imperial Rome

The Reformation

Traces the events leading to the Reformation, the movements of Luther and Calvin, the reforms within the Catholic Church itself, the unique course of the reform movement in England, and the influence of the Reformation on New World settlements.

Republican Rome

The Reformation

Traces the events leading to the Reformation, the movements of Luther and Calvin, the reforms within the Catholic Church itself, the unique course of the reform movement in England, and the influence of the Reformation on New World settlements.


Traces the history of and way of life in Byzantium from its founding by Constantine to its conquest by the Turks and discusses the influence of Byzantine culture on Europe.

Ancient Scandinavia


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