The American wilderness

Compare Series: 

The north woods

Lavishly illustrated description of the lakes, rivers, wildlife, vegetation and ecology of the forest area of northern Minnesota and Canada.

The Great Divide

Describes the plants, animals, and scenery of the Continental Divide, a rugged and remote area which divides North America east from west.

The Badlands

Cactus country

Urban wilds

Describes the land and the plant and animal life that can be found in wild, natural areas in and around New York City.

Central American jungles

Discusses the land, vegetation, and wildlife of the tropical jungle areas of Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and other Central American nations.

The Northeast coast

Text and lavish illustrations describe the geography, wildlife and vegetation of the land and ocean areas of the Atlantic coast from Massachusetts to the northern tip of Newfoundland.

The Northeast coast

Text and lavish illustrations describe the geography, wildlife and vegetation of the land and ocean areas of the Atlantic coast from Massachusetts to the northern tip of Newfoundland.

The Northeast coast

Text and lavish illustrations describe the geography, wildlife and vegetation of the land and ocean areas of the Atlantic coast from Massachusetts to the northern tip of Newfoundland.

The Grand Canyon

Lavishly illustrated description of the physical features, trails, roads, points of interest, wildlife and vegetation of the Grand Canyon.


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