child rearing

Topical Term
child rearing

Redefining girly

how parents can fight the stereotyping and sexualizing of girlhood, from birth to tween
"This essential guide gives parents the tools they need to fight back against the modern stereotyping and sexualization of young girls"--Provided by publisher.

Parent-child relations

context, research, and application

Fathering your toddler

a dad's guide to the second and third years
Offers fathers practical advice to help them connect with their toddlers and cope with the challenges and unique situations that arise during their child's second and third years of life, covering topics including milestones, emotional and psychological development, the importance of play, family planning, and teaching basic life skills.

Special delivery

how we are raising America's only sextuplets... and loving it

Positive pushing

how to raise a successful and happy child
Explains how parents can use various methods of positive pushing to encourage their children to become happier and more successful.

Right from wrong

instilling a sense of integrity in your child
Uses stories and conversations to dramatize children experiencing the day-to-day struggles of growing up and explains how parents can use those experiences to instill a sense of integrity in their children.

The essential guide to the new adolescence

how to raise an emotionally healthy teenager
Offers advice for parents of teenagers, examining five types of adolescent behavior through case studies, and discusses ways in which families can improve communication when problems arise.

Parent effectiveness training

the proven program for raising responsible children
Offers step-by-step advice for learning to communicate more effectively with children including how to avoid being a permissive parent, how to help children address and solve their own problems, and provides help in solving family conflicts.

The expert parent

everything you need to know from all the experts in the know

Understanding your child's temperament

Summarizes the latest research in the field of children's temperament, looking at the inborn traits of activity, intensity, adaptability, mood, distractibility, persistence and attention span, initial reaction, sensitivity, and regularity; and offers suggestions for managing different temperament characteristics.


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