historical works (nonfiction)

historical works (nonfiction)

The seven wonders

Explores the famous ancient Seven Wonders--the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the statue of Zeus, the Temple of Artemis, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Pyramids of Egypt, and the Pharos of Alexandria--with modern footage, animated computer reconstructions, and expert commentary.


the forgotten war
Presents an introduction to the Korean War, providing a exploration of the violent battle and America's involvement, in it, showing footage of Marine forces landing at Inchon, soldiers forcing the North Koreans to the Yalu River, and facing the overwhelming odds as China sends thousands of troops across the border.

Best years (1946-1952)

Chronicles the evolution of the United States over the course of the twentieth-century, focusing on events that occurred during the shift to a peacetime existence, from 1946 to 1952.

Homefront (1941-1945)

Chronicles the evolution of the United States over the course of the twentieth-century, focusing on events that occurred on the homefront during the World War II years, from 1941 to 1945.

Civilians at war (1941-1945)

Chronicles the evolution of the United States over the course of the twentieth-century, focusing on key events in World War II from 1941 to 1945, and the mounting numbers of civilian casualties.

Over the edge (1936-1941)

Chronicles the evolution of the United States over the course of the twentieth-century, focusing on events leading up to the country's entry into World War II, from 1936 to 1941.

Stormy weather (1929-1936)

Chronicles the evolution of the United States over the course of the twentieth-century, focusing on events from the stock market crash of 1929 through the years of the Great Depression.

Boom to bust (1920-1929)

Chronicles the evolution of the United States over the course of the twentieth-century, focusing on the 1920s when the issue of women's rights became so controversial.

Shell shock (1914-1919)

Chronicles the evolution of the United States over the course of the twentieth-century, focusing on events from 1914 to 1919, as people struggled to deal with the shock of World War I, and the country emerged as a world power.

Seeds of change

Chronicles the evolution of the United States over the course of the twentieth-century, focusing on daily life during the 1900s, and looking ahead to the changes to come.


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