An oral history that reports, through transcribed recordings, text messages, photographs, illustrations, screenshots, and more, an epic prank war between twelve-year-old twins Reese and Claudia Tapper of New York City.
An oral history that reports, through transcribed recordings, text messages, photographs, illustrations, screenshots, and more, an epic prank war between twelve-year-old twins Reese and Claudia Tapper of New York City.
stories of love and gratitude from the first ten years of StoryCorps
Isay, David
"StoryCorps founder Dave Isay draws from ten years of the revolutionary oral history project's rich archives, collecting conversations that celebrate the power of the human bond and capture the moment at which individuals become family"--Provided by publisher.
A pitch-perfect, contemporary comedy featuring twelve-year-old fraternal twins, Claudia and Reese, who couldn't be more different...except in their determination to come out on top in a vicious prank war!.
Presents the complete text of the film "Shoah" in which the Nazi extermination of Jews is examined through interviews of survivors, witnesses, and perpetrators, and through footage of the sites of the death camps and environs as they appear fifty years after World War II.
Traces the history of Rockefeller Center, discussing how money, politics, art, architecture, business, and society helped shape the Center's history and the ways it redefined New York City.