kent state university

kent state university

The cost of freedom

voicing a movement after Kent State 1970
". . . a multi-genre collection describing the May 4, 1970, shootings at Kent State University, the aftermath, and the impact on wider calls for peace and justice"--Provided by publisher.

A Gathering of poets

Presents a collection of 147 poems read at The Gathering of Poets at Kent State University in 1990.

Kent State

what happened and why
Presented in chronological format, this book discusses the events leading up to the Kent State tragedy in 1970 which resulted in the shooting deaths of several students. Includes a map of the relevant areas as well as photographs depicting some of the people and places involved.

Kent State

four dead in Ohio
An account, in graphic novel form, of the May 4, 1970, killing of four unarmed Kent State University students who had been protesting the Vietnam War by the Ohio National Guardsmen.

The Kent State coverup

An account of the 1970 shootings at Kent State University and of the trial and appeal that followed.
Cover image of The Kent State coverup

Death at Kent State

how a photograph brought the Vietnam War home to America
Explores the deadly 1970 Kent State protest of the Vietnam War through an iconic black-and-white photograph. Describes the background of the event, the impact of the photograph, and the aftermath. Includes photographs, a timeline, a glossary, and further resources.
Cover image of Death at Kent State

Death at Kent State

how a photograph brought the Vietnam War home to America
Explores the deadly 1970 Kent State protest of the Vietnam War through an iconic black-and-white photograph. Describes the background of the event, the impact of the photograph, and the aftermath. Includes photographs, a timeline, a glossary, and further resources.
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