Issues in society

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Is social media good for society?

Social networking is one of the most common online activities, and integral to the lives of people around the world. Issues are discussed clearly and objectively, with added insight from experts and others, in these chapters: How So Social Media Affect Personal Relationships? Have Social Media Contributed to a Loss of Privacy? How Have Social Media Influenced Politics? Are People Too Dependent on Social Media?.

Is social media good for society?

Discusses the affect of social media on social interaction, privacy, politics, and world affairs.

How harmful are performance-enhancing drugs?

Examines the issues surrounding the use of performance-enhancing drugs, including their health risks and efforts to prevent their use.

What are the consequences of climate change?

Examines the issues surrounding climate change and its effect on humankind, including disagreement about what those effects will be and whether or not anything can be done to change them.

Is marijuana harmful?

Examines the issues surrounding the use of marijuana, including its health risk, its medical use and efforts to decriminalize it.

How can the obesity epidemic be controlled?

Examines the issues surrounding the growing epidemic of obesity and efforts to combat it.

Are video games harmful?

Examines the issues surrounding the playing of video games, including the potential harms and benefits they offer.

Are mobile devices harmful?

Examines the issues surrounding the use of mobile devices and their affect on society.

What should be done about illegal immigration?

Examines the issues surrounding illegal immigration into the United States, including efforts to prevent it and how to handle deportations of illegal immigrants.

Do police abuse their powers?

Examines the issues surrounding the use of force by police and whether or not police officers are held accountable for their actions.
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