basketball stories

basketball stories

Drive to the hoop

Annie Roger's learns about Nancy Lieberman, a woman's basketball player known for breaking down barriers, when she tries to prove to Micah Nelson that girls can play basketball just as well as boys.


great writing about America's game
"Made in America, basketball is a sport that stirs a national passion, reaching fever pitch during the NCAA's March Madness and the NBA Finals. Masterfully assembled by longtime Sports Illustrated writer Alexander Wolff, Basketball spans eight decades to bring together a dream team of writers as awe-inspiring and endlessly inventive as the game itself. Here are in-depth profiles of the legends of the hardcourt--Russell, Kareem, Bird, Jordan, and LeBron--and storied franchises such as the Knicks and Celtics, along with dazzling portraits of the flash and sizzle of playground ball and more personal reflections on the game by some of America's finest writers, among them Donald Hall, John Edgar Wideman, and Pat Conroy. Highlights include James Naismith recalling how he invented the game that would go on to conquer the world; John McPhee capturing the ever-disciplined Bill Bradley as a Princeton Tiger; Peter Goldman's indelible portrait of the life and death of a Harlem Globetrotter; and Michael Lewis's account of the brave new world of NBA analytics. Classic journalism about inner-city basketball by Pete Axthelm, Rick Telander, and Darcy Frey is joined by stories of the game's popularity across America, from the heartland of Hoosier country to an Apache Reservation in Arizona." --Amazon.
Cover image of Basketball

Hoop city

Tony Hope's dream that he and his twin brother, Mike, will someday appear together as players on a national basketball court is shattered when Mike is paralyzed in a shooting accident, but Tony decides to forge ahead and reach that goal for both of them.

Point guard

Everyone assumes that Gus, whose family is from the Dominican Republic, is a baseball guy. But this year Gus is even more excited about basketball than any other sport he's ever played. He's been practicing some new moves and lately he's more surprised when he misses his shot than when he scores. Plus now that he's convinced his friend Teddy to try out for the team and Jack's shoulder is healed, it looks like Walton's home team will be unstoppable.


Frank's not great at staying out of trouble. He's also not great at driving cars. After his joyride ends in a crash, he's stuck with a court-appointed community mentor for the summer. But it's not too bad. Officer Appleby's all right. And if anyone can handle a basketball team, a police officer, and a new girl on the horizon, it's Frank Torres.

Hoop city

Tony Hope's dream that he and his twin brother, Mike, will someday appear together as players on a national basketball court is shattered when Mike is paralyzed in a shooting accident, but Tony decides to forge ahead and reach that goal for both of them.

Slam dunk

When some of the older kids get on Amar'e for not being able to dunk, he sets a goal to make that happen soon, but when Amar'e's playing time is put on hold, he'll have to come to terms with all of the other things he's been neglecting.


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