
Topical Term

The greatest baseball players of all time

Looks at the history of baseball, focusing on well-known "greats" within the game.

Greatest wrestlers of all time

Looks at the history of wrestling, focusing on well-known "greats" within the game.

Child abuse and domestic violence

A comprehensive summary of the most up-to-date research in the area of child abuse and domestic violence as of 2017, with charts and graphs as well as statistical information.

World soccer infographics

the beautiful game in vital statistics : numbers, statistics, and trends of the players, teams, stadiums, and more
Presents soccer history and statistics using infographics.
Cover image of World soccer infographics

U.S. Latino issues

"[This] book is divided into 12 chapters, each addressing an important and controversial issue pertinent to Latinos. A background section introduces each chapter about U.S. Latino communities and their history, then frames each issue, after which arguments for and against the issue are debated, followed by a section with questions for students to discuss and debate"--Pages xxvii-xxviii.
Cover image of U.S. Latino issues

Gaming record breakers

winning streaks! Highest scores! Most downloads!
Presents numerous facts and figures about gaming.
Cover image of Gaming record breakers

Black stats

African Americans by the numbers in the twenty-first century
A comprehensive guide filled with contemporary facts and figures on African Americans.
Cover image of Black stats

Sports in America

recreation, business, education, and controversy
With tables and figures representing the most recent and important statistics on sports, this book presents graphics covering the percentage of people who gamble on sports, the adult attendance at sporting events, and the values and revenues of particular sports teams.
Cover image of Sports in America

Women in America

This book discusses women's demographic trends, educational achievement, employment, financial status, parental responsibilities, political roles, victimization, and health issues.
Cover image of Women in America

Growing old in America

This book explores the current condition of growing old in the United States, including information on the economic status of older people, the Social Security program, Medicare and Medicaid, working and retirement, and the living arrangements and care of the elderly.
Cover image of Growing old in America


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