

Social welfare

Presents a collection of essays selected from the New York Times that looks at social welfare.

Military service

"The United States, as reflected in the news media, has a long history of either requiring or requesting citizens to be participants in the military. From the Civil War, through two World Wars and the Vietnam War, to the conflicts in Afghanistan and the threat of terrorism, perspectives on military service, the draft, and citizen soldiers has changed. How has military service been portrayed through the news and perceived by the public throughout the country's history of wars and peace times? And how have the attitudes of American citizens changed when it comes to serving in the military? This collection of articles explores these questions and more"--Provided by publisher.

Student debt

"As of 2019, Americans owed over $1.56 trillion in student loan debt, and 69 percent of college students who graduated in 2018 had to take out student loans. Student debt has increased significantly over the past twenty years, but what factors have brought this about? Are students to blame for making irresponsible financial decisions, or is the price of education rising disproportionately to average income? How do variables like class and race impact student debt? What impact do these debts have on individuals and the economy? This volume examines the nature of America's student debt crisis and explores possible solutions"--Provided by publisher.

Political corruption

"When politicians use their political power to privately benefit in an illegitimate manner, it is considered a fundamental threat to democracy. However, political corruption takes many forms, including bribery, extortion, influence peddling, and facilitating criminal enterprises. Additionally, there are certain cases that come across as ethically ambiguous: should campaign donations be considered a form of bribery? How can we prevent them from operating as a bribe? This volume looks at political corruption in the United States and beyond, exploring the factors that contribute to a culture of corruption and the possible means of combating it"--Provided by publisher.

Ethical pet ownership: puppy mills, rescue pets, and exotic animal trade

"As of 2017, 55 percent of American households included at least one pet. Pets are ubiquitous and often considered part of the family, but are they content in a domestic setting? Is there a way for us to tell if we are giving pets a suitable standard of living? Many factors must be considered when looking at the ethics of pet ownership, including what rights animals should possess, where the animals come from, and what species of animals should be kept as pets. Readers will gain a better understanding of the many ethical considerations surrounding pet ownership"--Provided by publisher.

Presentism: reexamining historical figures through today's lens

"The recent wave of statues, building names, and other monuments memorializing figures like Christopher Columbus and Confederate generals being removed from public spaces and college campuses has brought the reassessment of historical figures to the fore. It has raised questions about whom we choose to venerate; how historical narratives form; and whether it is best to erase problematic figures from the historical record, present a new interpretation on them, or attempt to be as unbiased as possible by contemporary attitudes when regarding them. Readers will learn more about this timely and complicated issue through a wide range of perspectives"--Provided by publisher.

Gerrymandering and voting districts

A collection of fifteen essays that explore various issues related to gerrymandering which is the practice of redrawing district boundaries to help those up for election.

Athlete activism

"While Colin Kaepernick's 2016 protests reignited the debate surrounding athletes and political activism, the relationship between the two is a longstanding tradition. The athletic field has long been a site for protests against racism, hosting key events in the fight for equality, such as legendary African American baseball player Jackie Robinson's 1947 induction into the MLB. Recent protests have expanded to issues like sexism, LGBT rights, and immigration, and have made use of social media and other modern developments. This volume examines the controversies surrounding athlete activism as well as its place in history and contemporary politics"--Provided by publisher.

America's infrastructure

"Engineers argue that inadequate maintenance of roads, bridges, airports, waterways, and other critical aspects of infrastructure along with underinvestment have created an infrastructure crisis in the United States. Many politicians agree with this claim and are attempting to take action. However, we are faced with the issue of which projects are most essential and how to fund them. Is the state of America's infrastructure that dire compared to the rest of the world? Are these efforts to improve it a cynical ploy from politicians to gain attention and ensure reelection? This volume considers the many perspectives of this . . . issue"--Provided by publisher.

Colonize this!

young women of color on today's feminism
A collection of writings on feminism by young women of various races, grouped in the themes of family and community, mothers, cultural customs, and talking back.


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