McEwan, Ian

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a novel


Henry Perowne, a London neurosurgeon, goes through his normal Saturday activities, including a weekly squash game, but his unease grows as he makes his way through the throngs of anti-war protesters clogging London's streets, until a minor car accident with the petulant Baxter begins a series of events that erupts into violence.

The daydreamer

An imaginative ten-year-old boy who is misunderstood by most grown-ups has a number of remarkable adventures while daydreaming.

Enduring love

a novel
Joe and Clarissa Rose's spring idyll in the park is cut short when Joe helps rescue a child from a balloon accident, one man is killed, and Joe becomes the target of suspicion and ultimately an assassination attempt.


a novel
Imaginative thirteen-year-old Briony Tallis, misinterpreting a scene between her older sister Cecilia and Robbie Turner, the housekeeper's son, later accuses Robbie of a crime she has no proof he committed and spends years trying to atone for her actions.

On Chesil Beach

Florence, a talented musician, marries Edward, a young history student, in 1962, honestly believing her sincere love for him might overcome the repulsion she feels at the thought of a physical relationship, but the events of their wedding night put their lives on very different courses from what they had anticipated.


Henry Perowne, a London neurosurgeon, goes through his normal Saturday activities, including a weekly squash game, but his unease grows as he makes his way through the throngs of anti-war protesters clogging London's streets, until a minor car accident with the petulant Baxter begins a series of events that erupts into violence.

The daydreamer

An imaginative ten-year-old boy, who is best understood by his family, recounts some of the adventures he has while daydreaming.

The daydreamer

An imaginative ten-year-old boy who is misunderstood by most grown-ups has a number of remarkable adventures while daydreaming.


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