upside-down books

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upside-down books

Nothing but your skin

In "Nothing But Your Skin," Louella, a mentally-challenged girl, grapples with the aftermath of her decision to have sex; and in "The Pool Was Empty," Celia is tried for the murder of her boyfriend Alex when he falls into a swimming pool.

A Heartbreaking work of staggering genius ;

A memoir in which the author discusses the unrelated deaths of his parents within a period of months, his newly acquired responsibility for his eight-year-old brother, and his creation of a satirical magazine. Also includes an appendix of corrections and clarifications by the author.

I love you more

A flip story that ends in the middle and can be read from either side that teaches children the importance of sharing love with others.

The big race

Presents an updated retelling of the classic tale of the race between the tortoise and the hare that takes the duo around the world. Includes information about the different locations visited.

The 267 stupidest things Republicans ever said

The 267 stupidest things Democrats ever said
Presents quotes by republican and democratic politicians from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries on a variety of issues.

Sammy Sosa : a biography

Presents the life and baseball career of Sammy Sosa, who, along with Mark McGwire, in 1998 broke the long-standing record of most home runs hit in a season.


monster joke book
A joke book comprised of two separate books illustrated with pictures of the Scooby-Doo gang.

The secret of the old clock

The hidden staircase
Presents two mystery novels featuring Nancy Drew, including "The Secret of the Old Clock", in which Nancy searches for a missing will, and "The Hidden Staircase", where Nancy stays with her elderly aunts to learn why someone is trying to scare the women away from their home.

Dracula's cat ; and, Frankenstein's dog

Dracula's cat and Frankenstein's dog give pets' eye views of life with their masters.

Journey to Jamestown

Elias comes to the new world, apprenticed to a barber-surgeon in Jamestown Colony, and when he arrives he meets Sacahocan, a Pamunkee Indian in training to be a medicine woman. Includes two stories, one from each character's perspective.


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