Presents the prize winning film investigates the extraordinary sex lives of flowering plants, including intriguing methods of pollination, as it Investigates the diversity of plant adaptations with an emphasis on unusual coevolved relationships with animal pollinators.
Presents the prize winning film investigates the extraordinary sex lives of flowering plants, including intriguing methods of pollination, as it Investigates the diversity of plant adaptations with an emphasis on unusual coevolved relationships with animal pollinators.
Discusses the finite supply of fossil fuels and explores other options for energy, including nuclear power, solar power, water, bioenergy, hydrogen, and others.
Describes both the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power, the uses of nuclear power, nuclear weapons and nuclear waste, and the future development of nuclear power.
Explains what rainforests are and why they are important, how they are being destroyed, the effects of such deforestation on the environment, and what is being done to halt the destruction.
Presents a study of flowers and seeds, and describes why plants have flowers, how and why they attract insects and birds, and how the seeds travel to other plants.
Describes what acid rain is, what causes it, and how it affects the environment. Also examines ways in which pollution levels can be reduced or minimized.