android (electronic resource)

android (electronic resource)

Become an App inventor

the official guide from MIT App Inventor : your guide to designing, building, and sharing apps
Illustrations with step-by-step instructions feature six different projects using MIT's App Inventor website.
Cover image of Become an App inventor

Become an App inventor

the official guide from MIT App Inventor : your guide to designing, building, and sharing apps
Illustrations with step-by-step instructions feature six different projects using MIT's App Inventor website.

Android user interface design

implementing material design for developers

Teach yourself visually Android phones and tablets

[the fast and easy way to learn]
Provides clear, step-by-step instructions for tackling more than 125 tasks with Android phones and tablets. Each task-based spread covers a single technique, sure to help you get up and running on your Android device in no time.

Android design patterns

interaction design solutions for developers

I'm an app developer

A step by step guide to learning app development programming.
Cover image of I'm an app developer

App Inventor 2

create your own Android apps
A guide to using App Inventor 2 to create Android applications that presents step-by-step instructions for a variety of projects, including creating location-aware apps, data storage, and decision-making apps.
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