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The human body & how it works

Questions and answers introduce the human body and how it works.

Flowers, trees & other plants

Studies the highly visible and diverse world of trees, flowers, and other green-and-growing things, with their distinct ways of reproduction, respiration, photosynthesis, and nourishment. Includes suggestions for projects and activities.
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Pieter Bruegel

Briefly examines the life and work of the sixteenth-century Flemish painter, describing and giving examples of his art.

Buildings, bridges, and tunnels

Uses question and answer format with pictures to explain elements and principles of structural engineering, the field that includes the design and construction of bridges, tunnels, and buildings. Shows how readers can build their own structures to scale.

Everyday things & how they work

Ordinary appliances and gadgets get a new look, with a view to understanding their origin, purpose, and function. Readers learn how to think up ideas for new and special tools and appliances.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

A simple biography of the child prodigy who wrote more than 800 pieces of music before his untimely death at the age of thirty-five.

Thor Heyerdahl

A biography of the Norwegian explorer whose voyages were undertaken to prove certain theories about the migration patterns of ancient people.

Vincent Van Gogh

Briefly examines the life of the renowned Dutch painter and traces the development of his art.

Queen Elizabeth II

Photographs and simple text offer young adults a brief introduction to the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

Fr?d?ric Chopin

A biography of the great Polish-French composer who, when only fifteen years old, received a diamond ring for playing his own musical composition for the Tsar of Russia.


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