A young girl with Down syndrome describes the things she enjoys doing and her emotions, reinforcing the fact that she is just like other children who do not suffer from the condition.
Offers practical advice for parents of children with learning disabilities, defining special education and discussing early intervention services, who is eligible for special education, evaluation and parental rights, IEPs, advocacy and problem solving, inclusion, conflict resolution, and other related topics.
Discusses twice-exceptional (2e) children, focusing on how to recognize 2e children, how their "gifts" are being ignored, and how to change this within the home, schools, and health care system.
Suggests 401 modifications and adaptations that can help students with special needs in the classroom, covering lectures, worksheets, behavior, environment, movement, vocabulary, student response, timing, note-taking, testing, and homework.
Grace explains why having a small hand with no fingers only makes her special, not stupid or strange, and how it can make things easier and harder for her at school and at home.
Focuses on people who are different, who might use equipment such as wheelchairs or special computers, who are more like you than you might think, and suggests ways to interact with them.