Essential library of the information age

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Online identity

Online Identity examines the benefits and consequences of storing massive amounts of personal data on the Internet.

Net neutrality

Net Neutrality examines the question of whether Internet service providers should be able to charge content providers for faster connections, introducing readers to the history behind the issue and the modern arguments surrounding it.

Information literacy in the digital age

Information Literacy in the Digital Age examines the challenges involved in seeking and evaluating information from the vast array of sources available through digital technology.

Content ownership and copyright

Content Ownership and Copyright examines the role copyrights play in the areas of public domain, intellectual property, schools, and the digital realm.

Book banning and other forms of censorship

Book Banning and Other Forms of Censorship examines how and why schools, special-interest groups, and governments attempt to suppress information in print and online.

Big data and privacy rights

"Examines how companies, governments, and individuals collect and use massive amounts of personal information, highlighting the privacy concerns that result when these activities are done without public knowledge."--Provided by publisher.
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