Marquardt, Meg

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Gene editing

Explores how and why gene editing was developed, how the technology works today, and how the technology will be advanced in the future.
Cover image of Gene editing

Rocks and minerals

"Introduces readers to the wide variety of rocks on Earth. Alongside different categories of rocks and minerals, readers will learn about the rock cycle, how rocks form, and how different minerals are used"--Amazon.


"Introduces readers to the vast region beyond Earth. Alongside the planets in the solar system, readers will learn about the Sun, Moon, and several other space objects"--Amazon.

Women in lacrosse

Introduces readers to the development of women's lacrosse, as well as the sport's star players from past to present. Colorful spreads, fascinating sidebars, and athlete bios make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.

The bug encyclopedia

Text and illustrations look at ninety different insects, focusing on their behaviors, habitats, diet, and more.
Cover image of The bug encyclopedia

12 immigrants who made American medicine great

Contains brief biographies of twelve immigrants and their contributions to American medicine.

STEM in the Final Four

This title introduces fans to the STEM concepts in the Final Four, exploring how science, technology, engineering, and math are all at play in this exciting event.

Women in lacrosse

"Describes the history of women and lacrosse, from its invention by the indigenous peoples of North America to the first Women's Lacrosse World Cup tournament in 1982 and increasing growth in the 2010s and beyond"--Provided by publisher.

Gene editing

"Explores how and why gene editing was developed, how the technology works today, and how the technology will be advanced in the future"--Provided by publisher.

12 things to know about the Bronze age

Presents twelve facts about the Bronze age, describing tools and weapons, architecture, government, medicine, religion, and more.


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