Rain forests are hot spots for biodiversity. From the forest floor to the high canopy, many different creatures call rain forests their home. Readers will learn about some of the most interesting animals, such as peccaries and sakis that live in these amazing habitats.
Explores the jaguar's diet, hunting practices, and history with humans and touches on the adaptations that allow it to be one of the most famous killers in the animal kingdom.
Los gatos de la Selva puede ser difi?cil de distinguir, pero a menudo se trata de los spots que dan un animal. De los leopardos y jaguares, saber donde vive el animal puede ser una gran pista de que cat esta? acosando su presa. Los dos animales que adema?s es fa?cil, una vez que tomemos una mirada ma?s cercana. Los jaguares son ma?s pesados que los leopardos y sus funciones son u?nicas para tomar una buena mirada a sus jefes.
Describes the habitat, physical characteristics, behaviors, and survival strategies of jaguars, animals that live in the rain forest. Presented in English and Spanish.
"A look at jaguars, including their habitats, physical characteristics such as their powerful jaws, behaviors, relationships with humans, and threatened status in the world today"--Provided by publisher.