It's Alice Day! It's Alice Day! Callooh! Callay! Hooray! Learn about challenges and determination and self-esteem, read classics. Featuring the short "E" sound.
The two pigeons, Walter and Clay, want "The fox and the crow" banned from the library because they think the book makes birds look like birdbrains. Learn about animal stories and writing stories and poems, read Aesop's fables. Featuring the short "o" sound.
Teaches reading through entertainment. In this episode, Lionel won't let Leona play a computer game because she isn't old enough. Focuses on the word "hen" and short "e" sound, the -en word family, and more.
A tell-all tale of the sowing, growing, reaping, threshing, milling, mixing, kneading, shaping, rising, baking and breaking of bread. They all play a part in the craft and the art of the bread-baking show!.
Presents rated reviews of 24,000 movies available on videocassette, DVD, and laserdisc, arranged alphabetically by title, each with up to seventeen points of information, including year of release, actors, and awards; and features a Web site guide and an extensive variety of indexes.