

The bamboo sword

In Japan in 1853, at the time of U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry's visit to Japan, Yoshi, a young Japanese boy who dreams of becoming a samurai one day, learns about America from Majiro and has adventures with Jack, a young cabin boy aboard one of the U.S. ships. Includes historical notes and glossary.

The bamboo sword

In Japan in 1853, at the time of U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry's visit to Japan, Yoshi, a young Japanese boy who dreams of becoming a samurai one day, learns about America from Majiro and has adventures with Jack, a young cabin boy aboard one of the U.S. ships.

The bamboo sword

In Japan in 1853, at the time of U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry's visit to Japan, Yoshi, a young Japanese boy who dreams of becoming a samurai one day, learns about America from Majiro and has adventures with Jack, a young cabin boy aboard one of the U.S. ships. Includes historical notes and glossary.

Breaking open Japan

Commodore Perry, Lord Abe, and American imperialism in 1853
Recounts the events surrounding the 1853 attempt by America's East Asia Squadron to reopen Japan after its two-and-a-half centuries of isolation, focusing on Commodore Matthew Perry's role in the campaign.

Commodore Matthew Perry and the Perry Expedition to Japan

Surveys the life of Matthew Perry, a naval officer from a seafaring family, whose accomplishments are many but who is best remembered for opening Japan to trade with other nations.

Commodore Perry opens Japan to trade in world history

Traces the efforts of Commodore Matthew Perry to use force and diplomacy to end Japan's traditional isolationism and to begin trade with the Asian nation.

Perry and the open door to Japan

an American commander ends centuries of Japanese isolation
Discusses the role of Commodore Matthew Perry in the events from 1852-1854 which terminated Japan's isolation from the rest of the world.

Commodore Perry in the land of the Shogun

Details Commodore Matthew Perry's role in opening Japan's closed society to world trade in the 1850s, one of history's most significant diplomatic achievements.
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