animal welfare

Topical Term
animal welfare

Animal rights

Examines the issue of animal rights from a historical and philosophical perspective. Describes the animal rights movement and discusses issues in using animals as food, clothing, pets, as well as for scientific research, education, and entertainment.

Shadow horse

Thirteen-year-old Jas tries to prove that the owner of the farm where she works has killed her favorite horse, Whirlwind.

The humane societies

a voice for the animals
Explains how members of humane societies use methods such as adoption to deal with problems including animal overpopulation and abandonment.

Animal rights

a reference handbook
Documents the issues surrounding animal rights, including scientific experimentation and animal harvesting.

67 ways to save the animals

Suggests practical ways of becoming involved in the fights against animal exploitation and suffering.

Animals matter

a biologist explains why we should treat animals with compassion and respect
Biologist Marc Bekoff draws from studies on the pain and emotions of animals to discuss humans' use of animals and interference in wild animals' lives, covering such topics as zoos, product testing, and dissection and vivisection, and presents ethical questions to consider at the end of each chapter.

Animal rights

Debates topics such as banning the use of animals in scientific testing, the wearing of fur, and even whether or not the modern animal rights movement is good for America.

The seals that wouldn't swim

On a science class trip to the aquarium, Catalina "Cat" Duran and her friends discover that two of the seals have been drugged and investigate to discover the person responsible.

Animals and the new zoos

Describes the animals of the world's basic habitats (grasslands, deserts, woodlands, rain forests, cold regions) and how "better" zoos in this country are trying to exhibit the animals in environments like their natural ones.


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