animal welfare

Topical Term
animal welfare

A girl's best friend

Asks readers to determine the plotline in a story with more than twenty possible endings in which a young girl learns lessons about love and loyalty when she is faced with decisions involving a puppy in danger.

Doggy dare

Mandy wants to train a stray dog to help Joey, who is deaf.

Animal rights activist

Discusses the different between, and definition of, animal rights and animal welfare, covering activists' beliefs that animals should not be kept as property or used for food, clothing, entertainment, or scientific research, and examines topics such as cruelty and factory farming.

Stink and the great Guinea Pig Express

Stink Moody, friends Webster and Sophie, and Mrs. Birdwistle visit tourist attractions in Virginia as they try to give away 101 guinea pigs rescued from a laboratory, although Stink is very reluctant to relinquish his favorite, Astro.

Wild horses

A sudden storm causes an landslide which traps Kirstie Scott in Dead Man's Canyon with a herd of wild horses, but when she sees that the herd's leader has been injured Kirstie races to find a safety, and a way to help the injured stallion.


Fifteen-year-old Kit spends the summer feeding stray cats and meets Jess, an artistic punk girl who creates an avatar called Katman, in honor of Kit's quiet heroism.

Junkyard dog

Justin likes his after-school job at a guard-dog business, especially the old dog Smokey, but he soon learns that the owner is involved in illegal activity.

Hide and seek

The Carter family's Halloween preparations are complicated by a deer with a pumpkin stuck on its head and a puppy that is part dog, part coyote.


Dog lover Lizze Peterson decides to investigate when she finds an adorable puppy struggling to stay afloat in an icy lake.

Caring for my new puppy

Explores how to take care of a new dog.
Cover image of Caring for my new puppy


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