Discovery book

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Robert E. Lee, hero of the South

A biography of the general who commanded the confederate Army during the Civil War.

Jed Smith, trailblazer and trapper

A brief biography of the man who grew up in the East, became a trapper, and fulfilled his dream of exploring areas of the American West which had been just white space on a map.

Booker T. Washington: leader of his people

A biography of the African-American educator and organizer of Tuskegee Institute who spent his life working for equality for the people of his race.

Andrew Jackson: pioneer and President

A biography of the hero of the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812 who became the seventh President of the United States.

George Washington Carver, Negro scientist

A biography of the man, born a slave, who became a scientist and devoted his entire life to helping the South improve its agriculture.

U.S. Grant, horseman and fighter

A biography of the general who commanded the victorious Union armies at the close of the Civil War and who later became the eighteenth President of the United States.

John James Audubon, bird artist

The story of the brilliant painter of birds, who endured years of poverty before his talent was recognized.

Booker T. Washington: leader of his people

A biography of the African-American educator and organizer of Tuskegee Institute who spent his life working for equality for the people of his race.

Stephen Decatur, fighting sailor

The naval career of Stephen Decatur who was acclaimed as a hero in the Battle of Tripoli, his appointment as Commissioner of the Navy, and his death in a duel.

Jim Bridger

The adventure of the early nineteenth-century mountain man, Jim Bridger, as he guides wagon trains west, scouts for the U.S. Army, and explores the region which became Yellowstone National Park.


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