
Topical Term

A turtle's guide to introversion

"Here is a. . . book that celebrates the wonderful and often underrated qualities of introverts. The story is narrated by an introverted turtle who finds socializing tiring and often awkward, prefers her alone time, and recharges through solitude. As we follow along through her quotidian adventures, she demonstrates the nuances, occasional woes, and abundant advantages of being an introvert"--Provided by publisher.

Of course it's a big deal!

a story about learning to react calmly and appropriately
"Braden delivers drama to every minor misunderstanding, grievance and annoyance in his life! Will he learn to keep his cool in the face of disappointment, or will every discouraging moment send him into an emotional meltdown? See what lessons he learns in this fast-paced story about the perils of overreacting and losing self-control."--Provided by publisher.

Emotions book

"Emotions come in many forms like happy, sad and excited - Pikachu and its friends show how they experience a dozen different emotions in Pok?mon Primers: Emotions Book!"-- Provided by publisher.

This makes me sad

A young boy accidentally lets his dog loose from the yard, in a book that helps young readers learn to express and articulate sadness.

This makes me happy

"Follows a young girl on a field trip to the fair, complete with a roller coaster, pie-eating contest, and petting zoo! But when her pesky nut allergy keeps her from having a treat with her class, the girl learns that even the happiest of days can have unhappy moments. By reflecting on her trip and recognizing the many feelings that arose during it, she is able to feel less overwhelmed--and more confident"--Provided by publisher.

This makes me silly

"A little girl and her brother go with their family to the zoo, only to find that they can't stop laughing! Between making funny monkey faces and stretching their arms for elephant trunks, it's no wonder they snort out their milk at lunch. The little girl doesn't see any harm in her silliness at first, but when she scares an animal by shouting and banging on the glass, she learns that there's a time and place to be silly (like at the zoo playground), and a time and place to be calm (when animals are sleeping)"--Provided by publisher.

This makes me angry

A young boy having a bad day that continues to get worse has a chance to reflect on the events and determine why he was so mad.

Shark feels shy

With the help of Mr. Narwhal, Shark finds the courage to present his pet during show-and-tell.

One Thursday afternoon

"Granddad helps Ava process her emotions surrounding a lockdown drill at school through companionship and creativity"--Provided by publisher.

Angry me

"'I get angry,' says a little girl, looking fiercely in the mirror. Sometimes she gets angry when someone is mean and tries to take her toy away, when it feels unfair that there's not enough time to go swimming, when she's tired and just wants to go home, or when the kids at school leave her out, hurting her feelings. When she's angry, she tries to remember to use her words--even though that doesn't always work. Sometimes she can't find the right words, or the words don't come out the way she intends. But sometimes words do help, and when her anger melts away a new feeling can blossom"--Provided by publisher.


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