The Clamp School Detectives are eager to protect their school and its students, and Nokoru Imonoyama and his friends find themselves in a variety of sticky situations.
Christopher Banks, an English boy who was orphaned after his parents disappeared in Shanghai under suspicious circumstances, returns to Shanghai twenty years later in the hopes of learning what really happened to his parents.
Sherlock Holmes and Watson are summoned by Holmes' brother Mycroft, to Queen Victoria's Royal Palace of Holyrood in Edinburgh to investigate the murders of a renowned architect and his foreman only to uncover a more elaborate plot on the Queen's life.
A retired, eighty-nine-year-old detective, living in the English countryside in 1944, finds his interest piqued when a man is murdered while trying to steal a German-speaking parrot that spouts an endless stream of numbers from a young Jewish refugee.
Pepper Keane, hired by Colorado math professor Jayne Smyers to investigate the link between the murders of three experts in the field of fractal geometry, gains so much knowledge of the topic that he unwittingly makes himself the next target.
Philip Marlowe, a private detective in Los Angeles in the 1930s, takes a case involving a paralyzed California millionaire, two psychotic daughters, blackmail, and murder.
Lord Peter Wimsey is called to a London advertising agency after an employee takes a fatal tumble down the stairs, and soon he finds himself investigating a bizarre series of murders involving cocaine, sex, and blackmail.
Spenser almost gets himself killed trying to help out friends when he agrees to check out the reasons why Robinson Nevins was denied tenure at the university, while also attempting to come to the aid of K. C. Roth, a stalking victim who finds Spenser very much to her liking.