Gale Virtual Reference Library

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Novels for students, Volume 24

presenting analysis, context, and crticism on commonly studied novels

Novels for students, Volume 23

presenting analysis, context, and crticism on commonly studied novels

Everyday finance

economics, personal money management, and entrepreneurship
Provides basic and practical information on economics, personal money management, and starting a business. Explains the foundations of economic theories; shows how various financial institutions and the stock market work; sheds light on social security; examines basic business and accounting practices; and demonstrates how to manage and make money in everyday life.

Gale library of daily life

slavery in America
Illuminates daily life in slave society in America from colonial times to the end of the Civil War. Provides information on the business and regulation of slavery, the plantation way of life, work, family and community, culture and leisure, health and medicine, religion, resistance and rebellion, and slavery and freedom in the North.

Grzimek's student animal life resource

This resource book offers broad, comprehensive coverage of the animal kingdom, ranging from the simple -- sponges and corals -- to the complex -- mammals. Animals are grouped by major classifications: sponges; corals; jellyfishes; segmented worms; crustaceans and mollusks; insects; fishes; amphibians; reptiles; birds; and mammals.

Middle Ages reference library

Covers the different civilizations and peoples of Medieval times; includes biographical essays on significant individuals of the era; and presents a collection of excerpts from relevant letters, journal entries, poems and more from the era.

Constitutional amendments

from freedom of speech to flag burning
Provides the history and social context of the amendment process, covering each of the 27 amendments. Significant issues, events, figures, movements and judicial/legislative actions in the history of each amendment are also covered chronologically.

Checks and balances

the three branches of the American government
Presents easy to understand information about the inner workings of the federal government. Includes historical overviews and examinations of the day-to-day operations of each branch, as well as Constitutional duties and obligations of each branch, specifics related to eligibility, elections and appointments of key positions, changes since 1776, the future of each branch, and other topics. For student and general audiences.

Colonial America reference library

The Colonial America Reference Library provides students with the comprehensive information on the Colonial American period they need to write reports and class assignments including biographical profiles and primary source documents.

Christopher Isherwood

Provides in-depth analysis of the life, works, career, and critical importance of Christopher Isherwood.


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