The spirit of 1787 / Lomask, Milton

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The spirit of 1787

Discusses the aftermath of the Revolutionary War and the creating of a Constitution for the new country.

The spirit of 1787

Discusses the aftermath of the Revolutionary War and the creating of a Constitution for the new country.

The spirit of 1787

Discusses the aftermath of the Revolutionary War and the creating of a Constitution for the new country.

The spirit of 1787

Discusses the aftermath of the Revolutionary War and the creating of a Constitution for the new country.

The spirit of 1787

Discusses the aftermath of the Revolutionary War and the creating of a Constitution for the new country.

The spirit of 1787

Discusses the aftermath of the Revolutionary War and the creating of a Constitution for the new country.

The spirit of 1787

Discusses the aftermath of the Revolutionary War and the creating of a Constitution for the new country.

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