
Topical Term

Stella's stellar hair

Stella travels planet to planet visting her aunties looking for a stellar hairdo for the Big Star Little Gala, but she is not convinced by any of their suggestions.

The planets

"For many years, people believed there were nine planets that orbited the sun. Now we say there are eight. What happened to the ninth planet, Pluto? What are the different planets like? And what exactly makes a planet a planet? These are the many . . . questions answered in this high-interest book, crafted to be accessible for readers of all levels"--Provided by publisher.

Pedro goes to Mars

Studying the planets at school, Pedro learns fascinating facts about Mars.

Earth and other planets

Our home is on Earth, but how is it different from other planets? What creates night and day? Which planets have rings? Readers will love getting the answers to all their questions about the Earth and other planets. Includes sidebars and infographics.

Unlocking the secrets of the solar system

Explores questions about the solar system, including the sun, the planets, new discoveries, and more.

Investigating space through modeling

"A book for young readers about space as explained through modeling activities"--Provided by publisher.

Seven doors to death

On the edge of a golden lake, fugitives Zak Nine and his Quom friend Erro discover an ancient golden building and stumble into a room with eight sides and eight doors, seven of which are traps which will kill, and one of which will lead to a way out--and it is up to Zak's experience with games to figure out which is the safe door before this octagon kills them.

Diamonds of doom

Traveling at night, Zak and Erro follow a figure into a cave and discover a number of other escapees are hiding in an abandoned diamond mine--but one of their fellows is actually a traitor who has betrayed the hiding place to the guards, and in the darkness only Erro's superior nose can help the boys find their way out of this trap.

The canyon of giants

Blinded by heavy mist, a misstep causes Erro to plunge into a deep canyon where he is caught by one of the giants who is imprisoned there while Zak is plucked off the cliff ledge by a different giant--but the giants are not friendly, and while they are discussing whether to give the boys to the Alcatraz guards or turn them into lunch, Zak comes up with a way to escape either fate.

Arena of monsters

Zak has been captured and sent to Planet Alcatraz's "Monster Zoo" where the inmates are forced to fight for the entertainment of the Overseers--but Erro is still free and he is determined to use all his Quom survival skills to rescue his human friend.


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