avatar, the last airbender (television program)

avatar, the last airbender (television program)

Avatar, the last airbender

Aang must decide if he should take away Liling's bender abilities after Ru and Yaling free her from imprisonment. Later, Ru and Yaling regret freeing their mother and Aang must try to stop her from destroying the village inhabitants.

Avatar, the last airbender

Team Avatar must work together to stop a simmering conflict between benders and non-benders so that their world is not thrust into a war no one wants. While trying to stop the conflict, Aang finds that he must make a choice that can never be unmade.

Avatar, the last airbender

Team Avatar returns to Toph's father's factor to find that the town has substantially grown. And they find themselves in the heart of a conflict that threatens to tear the community apart.

Avatar, the last airbender

the official cookbook : recipes from the Four Nations
Presents a cookbook based on the animated television series "Avatar: The Last Airbender," which features Asian-inspired recipes from the four tribes--the Air Nomads, the Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, and the Fire Nation--and tea recipes based on the Jasmine Dragon, a tea shop frequented by characters in the show. Includes information about characters and storylines and recipes with photographs and character introductions.

Avatar, the last airbender

Presents a collection of short comics that follow Aang and the rest of his comrades on an assortment of adventures, ranging from the humorous to the dangerous.

Brainbenders from the four nations

Contains quizzes on episodes, character profiles, quotes, trivia, and other information on "Book 1: Water" and "Book 2: Earth" from the series "Avatar: The Last Airbender.".
Cover image of Brainbenders from the four nations

Avatar, the last airbender

the art of the animated series
Showcases the art from the animated television series "Avatar: the Last Airbender," including character sketches of Aang, Katara, Sokka, Appa, Momo, and Zuko, along with concept drawings and production art.
Cover image of Avatar, the last airbender
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