synonyms and antonyms

Topical Term
synonyms and antonyms

Hi-five farm!

a never bored book!
What better way for preschoolers, or farm animals, to greet each other than a hi-five--and learn about opposites and farm animals at the same time.
Cover image of Hi-five farm!

Marta! big & small

In this story that incorporates Spanish words, Marta explores the world of opposites and animals.
Cover image of Marta! big & small

Flora and the ostrich

In this book with minimal text Flora, a young dancer, learns about opposites with her new bird friend, an ostrich.
Cover image of Flora and the ostrich

Big gorilla

a book of opposites
"What's the opposite of old? Young! What's the opposite of sad? Happy! Big or small, alone or together, the primates in this book of opposites are wonderfully unique, from gorillas to white-faced capuchins to orangutans. With Anthony Browne's . . . palette and flair for facial expressions, this celebration of the world of primates is sure to charm and entertain"--Provided by publisher.

Inside and outside

a Sesame Street guessing game
Join the friends from Sesame Street as they explore the concepts of inside and outside . Ample examples and a guessing game make this a fun and interactive learning experience for early learners.

Top and bottom

a Sesame Street guessing game
Readers learn directional words with their favorite friends from Sesame Street . Then they play a fun game to explain whether things are on top or at the bottom of something else.

Roget's international thesaurus

An indexed word finder that contains more than 443,000 cross-referenced words and phrases in more than 1,075 categories.

Roget's thesaurus of English words & phrases

A reference book of English words and phrases for writers and editors.

Merriam-Webster's school thesaurus

Presents a dictionary of more than 154,000 synonyms, antonyms, and contrasted and related words.

Opposites =

"Different animals identify such opposites as tall and short, fast and slow, and big and small"--BTCat.


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