san francisco (calif.)

Geographic Name
san francisco (calif.)

The tangled web

a Julie mystery
Julie would like to be friends with Carla Warner, the new girl in her class, but Carla's increasingly outlandish stories and behavior lead her to believe the girl is either a liar or in real danger.

Escape from the great earthquake

This time Ranger, the time-traveling Golden retriever, finds himself in San Francisco in the middle of the great 1906 earthquake, and his mission is obviously to get a young Chinese immigrant, Lily Chen, to safety, but as they make their way through the ruined and burning city Ranger finds that he must also accomplish something else--finding Lily, who was sold as a servant by her parents, a new family who will care for her.

Three pennies

"In San Francisco, eleven-year-old Marin desperately searchesfor her birthmother knowing time is running out before she is adopted, and discovers for the first time in her life what it feels like to be truly wanted by someone."--OCLC.

Dessert first

High school sophomore Kat struggles with her twelve-year-old brother's recurring leukemia and likely death while coping with mean girls at school and possible romance.

Julie and the eagles

Julie and Ivy try to come up with a unique way to educate the public on the region's endangered eagles and raise enough money to help the wildlife rescue center release two injured eagles back into the wild.

Escape to California

While on vacation in San Francisco, Flat Stanley meets a girl who asks for his help performing a trick, to escape from Alcatraz.

The shadow city

"Gabe Conway has fought a six-winged dragon, bound himself to the element of fire, and rescued one of his best friends from the twisted parallel dimension known as Arcadia. Now he has to find a way to do something even more impossible: destroy Arcadia forever--before a sinister cult unleashes its nightmare of death and destruction across San Francisco"--Provided by publisher.

Under the ashes

Eleven-year-old Elizabeth Morgan would rather hang out with the boys, but when her parents send her to San Francisco to be refined by her Aunt Sally, a massive earthquake sends t he city reeling, and Elizabeth must rely on her survival skills to find her way to safety.

Me, Frida

Artist Frida Kahlo finds her own voice and style when her famous husband, Diego Rivera, is commissioned to paint a mural in San Francisco, California, in the 1930s and she finds herself exploring the city on her own.

When we rise

my life in the movement
Born in 1954, Cleve Jones was among the last generation of gay Americans who grew up wondering if there were others out there like himself. There were. Like thousands of other young people, Jones, nearly penniless, was drawn in the early 1970s to San Francisco, a city electrified by progressive politics and sexual freedom. Jones found community--in the hotel rooms and ramshackle apartments shared by other young adventurers, in the city's bathhouses and gay bars like The Stud, and in the burgeoning gay district, the Castro, where a New York transplant named Harvey Milk set up a camera shop, began shouting through his bullhorn, and soon became the nation's most outspoken gay elected official. With Milk's encouragement, Jones dove into politics and found his calling in "the movement." When Milk was killed by an assassin's bullet in 1978, Jones took up his mentor's progressive mantle--only to see the arrival of AIDS transform his life once again.


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