san francisco (calif.)

Geographic Name
san francisco (calif.)

Violets are blue

a novel
Detective Alex Cross, investigating a double murder that appears to have been committed by vampires, finds himself once more being stalked by the lethal super-criminal known as the Mastermind, but the real shock comes when he finally learns the identity of the serial killer.

The hammer of Eden

a novel
Judy Maddox, a young FBI agent, is assigned to track down a terrorist group who have threatened to trigger a man-made earthquake if their demands are not met. With the help of seismologist Michael Quercus, Judy must race to beat the terrorist deadline and save San Francisco from being brought down in ruins.

Surviving the San Francisco Earthquake

Provides, through the story of one family, a brief description of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that destroyed five hundred city blocks, killed over three thousand people, and left about 225,0000 people homeless, and its aftermath.

The San Francisco earthquake of 1906

Text and illustrations examine the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, its aftermath, and its effects on the 1989 San Francisco earthquake.

--If you lived at the time of the great San Francisco earthquake

Presents information on the 1906 San Francisco earthquake in a question-and-answer format, covering topics such as what it felt and sounded like, how people survived after the quake hit, and how long it took the city to recover.

The elevator family

The four members of the Wilson family decide to spend their holiday in one of the elevators at the San Francisco Hotel.

Hello, amigos!

Follows a day, a birthday, in the life of a Mexican American child, who lives with his family in the Mission District of San Francisco.


a story of San Francisco
McTeague, a quack dentist in late nineteenth-century San Francisco, remains friends with Marcus even after stealing Marcus's girlfriend, but things sour between them when Trina wins the lottery and refuses to share with anyone.

Earthquake at dawn

A novelization of twenty-two-year-old photographer Edith Irvine's experiences in the aftermath of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, as seen through the eyes of fifteen-year-old Daisy, a fictitious traveling companion.


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