prehistoric animals

Topical Term
prehistoric animals

Extraordinary dinosaurs and other prehistoric life

visual encyclopedia
". . . features fascinating information on all the major types of dinosaur as well as ancient fish, other prehistoric reptiles in the air or water, and early mammals. Kids will be drawn in and mesmerized by hundreds of images and surprising information on many different dinosaur profiles"--Provided by publisher.

Stone age beasts

Provides facts about eighteen prehistoric animals from the Stone Age and describes how humans lived alongside them.

Creatures of the Cretaceous

"Tyrannosaurus rex had sharp teeth that could bite through bone, and Triceratops must have been an intimidating sight with their large frills and prominent horns. It's no wonder dinos ruled Earth back in the Cretaceous period. But what about creatures flying high in the sky or predators lurking under the waves? Many of these animals were not dinos. Become a paleontologist of the Cretaceous as you explore colorful illustrations and fabulous fossil photos to take a trip back in time and discover who was and was not a dino"--Provided by publisher.

Giants of the Jurassic

"Allosaurs hunted with sharp teeth, and Steogosaurs developed bones like armor to stay safe from fierce predators. It's no wonder dinos ruled Earth back in the Jurassic period. But what about creatures flying high in the sky or the predators lurking under the waves? Many of those animals were not dinos. Become a paleontologist of the Jurassic as you explore colorful illustrations and fabulous fossil photos to take a trip back in time and discover who was and was not a dino"--Provided by publisher.

Sea scorpions

"Images accompany information about sea scorpions. The combination of high-interest subject matter and light text is intended for students in grades 2 through 7"--Provided by publisher.

Dr. Seuss discovers dinosaurs

"In this rhyming nonfiction board book, the Cat in the Hat takes Thing One and Thing Two back to the Age of the Dinosaurs where they encounter some of the . . . famous dinosaurs in Earth's history"--OCLC.

If prehistoric beasts were alive today

"Did you know there were massive animals that existed before and after the dinosaurs? Imagine if they appeared in the modern world. These . . . creatures died out millions of years ago. These extinct animals are not alive today. But, just imaging if they were--juxtaposed against modern day scenes--these . . . realistic illustrations brings to life . . . these mighty animals"--OCLC.


Presents types of dinosaurs with information on appearance, behavior, and origin.

A visual guide to reptiles and dinosaurs

Students will learn the roles that reptiles have played in myths and religions and the trouble that some endangered species face.

My first dinosaur book

"We're off on an . . . adventure into the age of the dinosaurs. . . . Young dinosaur enthusiasts will discover that there's more to do than read, however. Throughout the text are activities such as crafting an extinct reptile with a paper plate and making your own delicious dinosaur pancake!"--Amazon.


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