17th century

Geographic Name
17th century

Pilgrim cat

A young pilgrim girl and the cat she discovers on the Mayflower voyage begin their life together in the Plymouth settlement.


the true story of the wreck of the Sea Venture
Tells the story of the wreck of the "Sea Venture," a ship that set out from England in 1609 to bring supplies to the struggling Jamestown Colony, and ran aground in Bermuda after springing a leak in the midst of a hurricane, and discusses the miraculous survival of all the ship's passengers who were later able to continue their journey.

You wouldn't want to be an American colonist!

a settlement you'd rather not start
Cartoons and facts combine to explain what it was like to be an American colonist in the seventeenth century, discussing the realities of the voyage from England, dealing with Indians, and struggling for survival in the new world.
Cover image of You wouldn't want to be an American colonist!

Thanksgiving on Thursday

Jack and Annie travel in their magic treehouse to the year 1621, where they celebrate the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians in the New Plymouth Colony.
Cover image of Thanksgiving on Thursday


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