fur trade

Topical Term
fur trade

Trappers of the Far West

sixteen biographical sketches
Includes brief biographies of seventeen leaders of the western fur trade.

Beavers in American history

An introduction to beavers, the history of the fur trade, the importance of the beaver to trade and economics, and the status of the beaver today.
Cover image of Beavers in American history

Empires, nations, and families

a history of the North American West, 1800-1860
Discusses the history of the North American West from 1800 to 1860 and many of the influential families of the time.
Cover image of Empires, nations, and families

Radisson & des Groseilliers

fur traders of the north
Profiles the early explorations of Pierre-Esprit Radisson and Medard Chouart des Groseilliers, French explorers and fur traders during the seventeenth century, describing their discoveries that led to the creation of the Hudson's Bay Company.

Trailblazing the way west

Trailblazing the Way West explores the lives of the first settlers to make the journey into the unknown lands of the American West Coast, and the terrible adversity faced by many of those early pioneers.

Beavers in American history

An introduction to beavers, the history of the fur trade, the importance of the beaver to trade and economics, and the status of the beaver today.

The first peoples of New York

Examines the effect that contact between the Native American and European cultures had on the people themselves and the development of the colony and state.

Adventurers of Oregon

a chronicle of the fur trade


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