Zelon, Helen

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The Apollo 11 mission

the first man to walk on the moon
Describes the flight of the "Eagle" to the moon and Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's walk on the surface, and presents facts about space flight.

The Endeavour mission STS-61

fixing the Hubble Space Telescope
Describes the flaws in the Hubble telescope and chronicles the 1993 voyage aboard the "Endeavour" to fix the problems.

The Mercury 6 mission

the first American astronaut to orbit Earth
Chronicles the 1962 Mercury 6 orbital mission, describing the dangers he encountered and his hero's welcome back on Earth.

The Gemini IV mission

the first American space walk
Describes the work of Project Gemini, the 1960s space program that helped U.S. astronauts develop space survival skills, and includes color photos of Gemini's training and 1965 mission.

The Endeavour SRTM

mapping the earth
Describes the 2000 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, during which six astronauts aboard the "Endeavour" mapped eighty percent of Earth in eleven days.

The Apollo 13 mission

surviving an explosion in space
Chronicles the treacherous Apollo 13 mission, during which three U.S. astronauts fought to survive for four days after an oxygen tank exploded on their spacecraft.

The Apollo 11 mission

the first man to walk on the moon
Describes the flight of the "Eagle" to the moon and Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's walk on the surface.
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