Why should I--

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Why should I recycle?

Uses color illustrations and simple text to explore the importance and benefits of recycling bottles, cans, plastic, clothes, and paper.

Why should I recycle?

Mr. Jones takes his students on a visit to a recycling center, and teaches them some of the many ways in which they can recycle and reuse.

Why should I save water?

Simple text and pictures illustrate the importance of conserving water.

Why should I save energy?

A power outage gives Robert the opportunity he needs to teach his friend and her family about the limited sources of energy, what would happen if energy supplies ran out, and some of the ways in which they can all help conserve energy.

Love my vitamins

Explains what vitamins are, discusses their role in human health, looks at the benefits of several different vitamins, and includes a glossary and suggestions for further study.

Keep cholesterol low

Text and illustrations present information on healthy eating to kids, explaining what the different kinds of cholesterol are and what they do to the body.

Eat power proteins

Describes the different kinds of proteins and how they affect our bodies.

Eat carbohydrates that grow

Explains why carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are important components of a child's diet.

Drink more water

Explains the health-related reasons why it is so important for people to drink lots of water.

Avoid fatty foods

Text and illustrations present information on healthy eating to kids, explaining what the different kinds of fat are and what they do to the body.
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