

The Nazi Conspiracy

the Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill
"In 1943, as the war against Nazi Germany raged abroad, President Franklin Roosevelt had a critical goal: a face-to-face sit-down with his allies Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill. This first-ever meeting of the Big Three in Tehran, Iran, would decide some of the most crucial strategic details of the war. Yet when the Nazis found out about the meeting, their own secret plan took shape--an assassination plot that would've changed history. A true story filled with daring rescues, body doubles, and political intrigue, The Nazi Conspiracy details FDR's pivotal meeting in Tehran and the deadly Nazi plot against the heads of state of the three major Allied powers who attended it"--Provided by publisher.

Three days at the brink

FDR's daring gamble to win World War II
Presents a suspenseful chronicle of the history-shaping, secret World War II meetings between President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin.
Cover image of Three days at the brink

Operation long Jump

Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill, and the greatest assassination plot in history
The most shocking and audacious assassination in history was approved by Adolf Hitler---killing the three most powerful leaders in the world---Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill at the same time. Called Operation Long Jump, the plan was to kill all three while they attended the Tehran Conference in Iran in 1943. The city was rife with international intrigue at the time, and had the plot succeeded the outcome of World War II might have been very different.
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