dvds for the hearing impaired

dvds for the hearing impaired


Plunge miles below the surface of the North Atlantic and immerse yourself in a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. The world's greatest deep-sea scientists and award-winning filmmakers are your guides in a high-risk journey to the resting place of one of the darkest tragedies in history.

Yours, mine & ours

A widow handbag designer with ten children and a widowed Coast Guard admiral with eight children fall in love and get married.

Henry Hudson

Two young hosts meet Henry Hudson and learn about his four voyages including an expedition along the eastern coast of North America and a voyage into what is now known as Hudson Bay.

What will the future be like?

Mobile phones that read your mind? Video games that can cure cancer? Wearable robots that give you the strength of Ironman? David Pogue predicts which technologies will transform our daily lives. These advancements are already taking shape in laboratories around the world, and gadgets that once were purely science fiction are on the verge of becoming as common as the iPhones and Androids Pogue reviews every day.
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