Mega Machines takes readers to a busy, noisy construction site to watch the bulldozers, diggers and cement mixers in action, constructing a new school.
Discover what life was like--from where people lived, how and what they hunted, how plants were used, art, medicine, and spiritual rituals. From camps to cave paintings to megaliths, this is essential reading on the Stone Age.
Discover what life was like--from where people lived, how and what they hunted, how plants were used, art, medicine, and spiritual rituals. From camps to cave paintings to megaliths, this is essential reading on the Stone Age.
Mega Machines takes readers to a busy, noisy construction site to watch the bulldozers, diggers and cement mixers in action, constructing a new school.
Takes a look at trains and train travel in the following places: India, Europe, Peru, Russia, Australia, South Africa, United States, Canada, Japan, and China.