
Topical Term

Exploring comets and asteroids

Provides information on comets and asteroids, including their relationship to and effects on the earth.

Exploring comets and asteroids

An illustrated introduction to comets and asteroids.
Cover image of Exploring comets and asteroids


Text and illustrations provide an introduction to comets.
Cover image of Comets

Comet catcher

Describes how scientists sent a spacecraft into space to learn more about comets.

Exploring comets, asteroids, and other objects in space

Provides an up-close look at some of the more elusive objects in space, including comets, asteroids, and meteors.
Cover image of Exploring comets, asteroids, and other objects in space

Comets, meteors, and asteroids

Explains the wonders of space, comets, asteroids, extraterrestrial objects, and meteors.

Exploring comets, asteroids, and other objects in space

Provides an up-close look at some of the more elusive objects in space, including comets, asteroids, and meteors.

Comets and meteors

Provides information about comets and meteors, describing Halley's Comet, asteroids, meteorites, the Hubble Telescope, and more.

Rosetta Probe

a robot's mission to catch a comet
"Rosetta isn't the first probe that's been sent to study comets, but it's the most successful as the first spacecraft to closely observe a comet as it approaches the sun. For 10 years, Rosetta moved around the Solar System, just so it could finally meet up with the right comet and release a lander to further study it. Readers learn about Rosetta's...journey from just an idea to a...robot with solar-charging batteries and other special features"


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